Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Melamun Bisa Menghilangkan Memori


Setiap orang pasti pernah melamun dan berkhayal memikirkan masa depan atau sesuatu hal yang indah. Jangan kebanyakan melamun karena melamun dapat membuat orang kehilangan sebagian dari memorinya.

Pernahkah Anda mengalami kesulitan untuk mengingat peristiwa sebelum Anda melamun? Jika iya, maka itu adalah normal.

Penelitian terbaru menemukan bahwa melamun atau termenung sambil pikiran melayang ke mana-mana, dapat menyebabkan hilangnya sebagian memori, khususnya memori sebelum seseorang mulai melamun. Semakin jauh pikiran melayang saat melamun, maka hilangnya memori akan semakin parah.

Penelitian sebelumnya juga menemukan bahwa berpikir tentang sesuatu yang lain, baik melamun atau pikiran berkelana (mind-wandering), dapat memblokir akses ke kenangan atau memori masa lalu.

Dalam penelitian yang baru, ilmuwan menyelidiki beberapa partisipan. Partisipan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok.

Kelompok pertama diminta untuk melihat daftar kata yang muncul di layar komputer, satu per satu. Kemudian partisipan diminta untuk melamun, memikirkan tentang kejadian yang menarik baginya. Selanjutnya, partisipan kelompok kedua hanya diminta untuk melihat daftar kata-kata, tanpa melamun.

Pada akhir tes, kedua kelompok partisipan diminta mengingat kembali sebanyak mungkin kata-kata apa saja yang dilihatnya dari daftar tadi.

Hasilnya, kelompok yang diminta untuk melamun hanya mengikat sedikit kata dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang tidak melamun. Ini menunjukkan bahwa melamun dapat menghilangkan sebagian memori yang baru saja diperoleh.

Studi ini telah diterbitkan dalam Psychological Science, sebuah jurnal dari Association for Psychological Science.
"Melamun dapat membuat Anda merasa berada dalam situasi yang berbeda, karena Anda tidak dapat mengingat kejadian yang terjadi sebelum Anda melamun," ujar Peter F. Delaney dari Universitas of North Carolina di Greensboro, seperti dilansir dari Psychcentral, Jumat (30/7/2010).(mer/ir)

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Don't make sad again

Aku seorang manusia yang mempunyai hati dan perasaan, kadang aku bermimpi akan indahnya alam dan semua ciptaan sang Kuasa bersamamu.

Ada alasan tersendiri jika tujuan pikiranku tak sama dengan apa yang kau pikirkan. Tuhan apakah ini yang terbaik untukku...?? apakah ini jalan yang terbaik untuk hidupku...??

Bimbing tanganku Tuhan, aku yang sedang tak tau arah hidupku ini, aku yang sedang bekecimpung dalam masalah kehidupanku.

Hati ini merasa ingin menjerit karna ketidak adilan. namun aku yakin bahwa Hidup tak lengkap tanpa masalah. aku yakin Tuhan menyayangi aku, Tuhan akan selalu melindungi aku, dan Tuhan akan selalu mendengarkan doa-doa ku.

Semoga masa depanku akan seindah dengan harapanku kelak.. Amin

With Photofacefun

hahaha.. hayuuuw sapa mau ikut kayak aku...????
pertama kalinya sich aku gag ngert sama sekali tentang photofacefun ini.. ternyata seru abiezz.. kalo temen-temen mau ikutan.. masuk sini ajah yuukkk
and selamat mencoba kawan....

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Lutz bakery chicago Yummy information

Lutz bakery chicago Yummy information, all about pastry, bakery, cakes, strudels, baumkuchen, cookies, candies, marzipan, coffee and tea.
Alliance Bakery: 1736 W. Division St., 773-278-0366. Quaint assembles hipster. This mini shopfront bakery delivers scrumptious interpretations of classic delights. We are speaking perennial dearies such as lemon scones, honey-oat bran muffins, almond croissants and yummy cakes, and oatmeal-raspberry blocks, along with a choice of cupcakes. You can get super Blueberry cream cheese with high protein included, coconut lime and raspberry rose were among the alternatives when we visited. You are able to take your haul over to the bakery “lounge” next door, which has free Wi-Fi and ample seating room: a leather couch, some stuffed armchairs and lots of tables.

There are a lot of unique pattern from luts bakery chicago:
Catch your cake “problem” here. Red velvet, super chocolate and the signature smooth caramel cake are the most famous one. You can try Hart’s impromptu desserts, which deviate according to her mood and seasonal fruit.
You might catch a poetry or book reading on this time. Brown Sugar plans to conduct Shawn Michelle’s Homemade Ice Cream, which entails you can have it with any of the bakery’s fresh-baked treats. Don’t forget to eat Black Forest cake, might be it’s your latest time to eat the luxurious cake in lutz bakery chicago.

Money Magazine's Best Places To Live 2010: Minnesota Town Earns Top Honors

For those of us looking to relocate, look no farther than Eden Prairie, Minnesota, which was named by Money Magazine as the best small city to live in America.
This year, Money's annual rankings examined 746 cities with populations between 8,500 to 50,000 and winnowed the list down by removing areas that had significant job losses, low salaries, overly expensive housing or poor school systems. (Check out the FAQ on their criteria here.)
Eden Prairie's ranking was bolstered by strong local employers -- including the NFL's Minnesota Vikings, who hold their training camp in town.
Rounding out the top five were Columbia/Ellicott City, Maryland; Newtown, Massachusetts; Bellevue, Washington; and McKinney, Texas.
In this economy, it's not surprising that all of the top five were bolstered by considerable job generators nearby. For example, Columbia/Ellicott neighbors the National Security Agency and other government job providers; Bellevue is boosted by Microsoft and T-Mobile; and Newtown benefits from Boston College and other Beantown job centers.
Mashable reports that those looking to visit Money's "Best Places to live" can now take a mini-tour of local haunts on Gowalla. For those interested in acquiring Gowalla badges for local establishments in McKinney, Texas, you already have options.

Obituary: Harvey Pekar dies at 70; comic book author known for 'American Splendor' series

Harvey Pekar, the Cleveland comic book author who made prickly honesty about everyday life into an artistic credo and whose outward aspect of dour dishevelment masked a passionate, elegant intellect, has died. He was 70.
Pekar was found dead early Monday by his wife, writer Joyce Brabner, at home in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, said Powell Caesar, a spokesman for the Cuyahoga County coroner's office. An autopsy will be conducted to determine cause of death.
Best known for his sporadic, dyspeptic and largely autobiographical comic series "American Splendor," which started in 1976 and later inspired a feature film, Pekar forged a distinct authorial voice — and a popular persona — that fused caustic and frequently self-lacerating wit, Rust Belt stoicism, casual bohemianism and shrewd observations about quotidian human existence.

Windows XP gets yet another reprieve from Microsoft

On the eve of Microsoft pulling the plug on support for Windows XP Service Pack (SP) 2, company officials announced they are extending downgrade rights for Windows XP.
Originally, downgrade rights — the sanctioned ability of Windows volume buyers to apply their new Windows licenses to older versions of the product — were due to expire around 2011 for Windows XP. But on July 12, the Softies gave XP yet another reprieve.
Users who purchase new PCs installed with Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate will now be able to downgrade to XP up until January 15, 2010 (for Windows 7 Professional) or January of 2020 (for Windows 7 Ultimate), according to Computerworld’s calculations.
The way Microsoft is phrasing the new end of life dates for XP is less clear-cut. The Microsoft “Blogging Windows” blog, in a July 12 post, explained it this way:
“(W)e have decided to extend downgrade rights to Windows XP Professional beyond the previously planned end date at Windows 7 SP1. This will help maintain consistency for downgrade rights throughout the Windows 7 lifecycle. As a result, the OEM versions of Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate will continue to include downgrade rights to the similar versions of Windows Vista or Windows XP Professional. Going forward, businesses can continue to purchase new PCs and utilize end user downgrade rights to Windows XP or Windows Vista until they are ready to use Windows 7.”
I asked the Softies whether Computerworld’s new deadline dates for XP downgrade-rights expiration is accurate. No word back yet.
Microsoft defines downgrade righs as “an OEM’s ability to generally offer downgrade facilitation options (e.g., preinstalling Windows XP Professional on a new PC that includes end-user rights for Windows 7 Professional).”
Why is Microsoft extending the nine-year-old XP’s life yet again? From a July 12 post on the company’s “Blogging Windows” blog:
“While the majority of customers are actively transitioning to Windows 7, and PC manufacturers are focused on delivering PCs and devices with Windows 7 preinstalled, our business customers have told us that the removing end-user downgrade rights to Windows XP Professional could be confusing, given the rights change would be made for new PCs preinstalled with Windows 7 and managing a hybrid environment with PCs that have different end-user rights based on date of purchase would be challenging to track.”
In other XP-related date news, July 13 is the end-of-support date for XP SP2 and Windows 2000. After that date, there will be no more paid or extended support by Microsoft for either operating system, meaning there won’t be any more updates and fixes (security or otherwise) released for these Windows variants. Microsoft has been advising users to move to Windows XP SP3 or Windows 7 if they want to run a Microsoft-support client Windows release, going forward.

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Dewan Pers Gelar Pleno Uji Cover Majalah Tempo

JAKARTA - Dewan Pers akan menggelar rapar pleno untuk menguji sampul Majalah Tempo edisi 28 Juni-4 Juli yang bergambar seorang perwira polisi menggiring celengan babi.
Rapat akan memutuskan apakah gambar ilustrasi tersebut tidak melanggar kode etik jurnalistik. Pasalnya atas visualisasi tersebut Mabes Polri berencana melayangkan gugatan terhadap pihak Tempo.
“Kita akan membahas soal cover Majalah Tempo (yang bergambar celengan babi dan orang yang berteriak goal), kita akan uji dari kode etik jurnalistik apakah sesuai atau tidak,” ujar anggota Dewan Pers Agus Sudibyo saat dihubungi okezone, Senin (5/7/2010).
Menurutnya agenda rapat pleno yang rencananya akan dimulai sekira pukul 10.00 WIB tersebut akan membahas masalah cover majalah saja, tidak materi artikel yang berisi laporan rekening gendut perwira Polri. “Soal cover majalahnya saja itu kan yang di permasalahkan,” ungkapnya.
Terkait penilaian Dewan Pers terhadap cover tersebut, Agus enggan berkomentar lebih jauh, karena hal masih akan dibahas dalam rapat pleno. “Belum tahu, belum kita putuskan, justru rapat pleno akan membahas itu,” pungkasnya.
Lebih lanjut Agus menyatakan setelah rapat pleno pihaknya baru akan memanggil Mabes Polri dan Majalah Tempo untuk bisa mengklarifikasi pokok permasalahan yang menjadi perdebatan. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan kedua pihak akan dimediasi sehingga menempuh jalur damai.

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